mojo's Blog
Swapping Policies 본문
The average memory access time(AMAT).
AMAT = (P(hit) * T(M)) + (P(Miss) * T(D))
T(M) << T(D) 즉, Disk에 접근하는 비용이 Memory에 접근하는 비용보다 월등히 크므로
AMAT 를 줄이기 위해서 Cache 안에 data를 찾을 수 있도록 Hit 을 증가시켜야 한다.
DRAM - volatile, Byte-addressable
HDD/SSD - non-volatile, Block Device 이며 load, store 를 못한다.
Workload Example : The No-Locality Workload
Each reference is to a random page within the set of accessed pages.
- Workload accesses 100 unique pages over time.
- Choosing the next page to refer to at random.
When the cache is large enough to fit the entire workload,
it also doesn't matter which policy you use.
No-Locality 란 reuse를 하지 않는것을 의미
LRU, FIFO, RAND가 linear 하게 증가하는 것을 볼 수 있다.
Workload Example : The 80-20 Workload
Exhibits locality : 80% of the reference are made to 20% of the page
The remaining 20% of the reference are made to the remaining 80% of the pages.
LRU is more likely to hold onto the hot pages.
80-20 Workload 로 locality 가 있으므로 알 수 있는 점은 LRU는 locality 가 있을 때 효과가
있다는 것을 알 수 있다.
Workload Example : The Looping Sequential
Refer to 50 pages in sequence.
- Starting at 0, then 1, ... up to page 49, and then we Loop, repeating those accesses,
for total of 10,000 accesses to 50 unique pages.
Page를 0 ~ 49(Working set)개를 연속적으로 읽는다.
Cache 크기가 49까지 될때는 locality안에 들어오지 않아서 Hit 발생이 없다.
즉, Cache size < Working size 일 경우 지속적 miss가 발생한다.
Approximating LRU : Clock Algorithm
Require hardware support : a use bit
- Whenever a page is referenced, the use bit is set by hardware to 1.- Hardware never clears the bit, though; that is the responsibility of the OS
Clock Algorithm
- All pages of the system arranges in a circular list.- A clock han points to some particular page to begin with.- The algorithm continues until it finds a use bit that is set to 0.
Clock algorithm doesn't do as well as perfect LRU, it does better then approach that don't consider history at all.
LRU 와 거의 비등비등하지만 아직까지 LRU가 가장 좋아 보임.
Considering Dirty Pages
The hardware includes a modified bit (a.k.a dirty bit)
- Page has been modified and is thus dirty, it must be written back to disk to evict it.
- Page has not been modified, the eviction is free.
Prefetching : The OS guesses that a page is about to be used, and thus bring it in ahead of time.
Clustering, Grouping
=> Collection a number of pending writes together in memory and write them
to disk in one write.
- Perform a single large write more efficiently than many small ones.
=> Memory is oversubscribed and the memory demands of the set of running processes
exceeds the available physical memory.
- Decide not to run a subset of processes.
- Reduced set of processes working sets fit in memory.
프로그램이 너무 많이 뜨면 swapping 하는 cost가 더 많이 든다.
어느정도 지나면 CPU Utilization이 확 떨어지는데 이는 즉, swapping 하는 cost 가 많이 드는 것을 의미한다.
Degree를 높이면 CPU Utilization이 간헐적으로 올라가다가 어느 순간에 프로세스가 전부
blocked(disk operations) 하는 상태가 발생하게 된다.
메모리 영역에 접근하게 될 때, 메모리에 페이지 부재(=페이지 폴트(Page fault)율)이 높은 것을 의미하며,
심각한 성능 저하를 초래한다.
Implementing LRU Algorithm
1. Counter implementation
- Every page table entry has a counter.
- Every time a page is referenced through this entry, copy the (logical) clock into the counter.
- The clock is incremented for every memory reference
-When a page needs to be replaced, look at the counters to determine which page is to be replaced.
2. Stack implementation
- Keep a stack of page numbers in a doubly linked list form
- Whenever a page is reference : Move it to the top; the top of the stack is always the most
recently used page and the bottom is the LRU page
- Each update is a little more expensive.
- No search for a replacement.
LRU Approximation Algorithim
Reference Bit Algorithm
- With each page, associate a reference bit (initially = 0)
- When a page is referenced, set the reference bit to 1 (by hardware)
- Replace the one which is 0 (if one exists).
- We know which pages were used and which were not used, but we do not know the order.
Additional Reference Bits Algorithm (Reference Byte algorithm)
- Use multiple bits.
- Record the reference bits at regular intervals.
ex )
Keep an 8-bit byte for each page table in memory.
At regular interval, shift the reference bit into the high order bit of its 8-bit byte,
shifting the other bits right 1 bit, discarding the low order bit.
Theses 8-bit shift registers contain the history of page use for the last eight time periods.
When page fault occurs, we interpret theses 8-bit bytes as unsigned integers and the page
with the lowest number is the LRU page and it can be replaced.
Second Chance (Clock) Algorithm
- Keep the circular list of pages loaded in memory
- Reference bit is set to 1 when page is initially loaded
- When it's time to replace a page in page fault handler, we inspect reference bits of pages
If the value is 0, replace
If the value is 1, then :
- Set reference bit to 0 (give second chance to see if it will be referenced again)
- Leave the page in memory
- Inspect next page in clock order
Reference string : a b g a d e a b a d e g d e
Number of frames = 4
Number of page faults = 10
Enhanced Second Chance Algorithm
- Enhance the second chance algorithm and consider both reference and modify bits
- Four classes
(0, 0) : neither recently used nor modified - best candidate!
(0, 1) : not recently used but modified
(1, 0) : recently used but clean
(1, 1) : recently used and modified
- When page replacement is called for, examine the class to which that page
belongs, and replace the first page encountered in the lowest nonempty class
- May have to scan the circular queue several times
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